AI Maturity in Health

This free digital assessment tool helps countries identify where to best invest resources to successfully deploy impactful AI solutions in health.

“From global pandemics to health worker shortages, the world is facing growing challenges that call for the game-changing capabilities that only AI can offer. AI offers the greatest opportunity to transform health systems worldwide from being reactive, to being proactive, predictive, and even preventive.”

  • Novartis Foundation jointly with the Broadbank Commission developed a large comprehensive PDF guide to assess AI Maturity, our goal was to transform the document into a user-friendly tool.

  • The main challenge within this project was prioritizing the comprehensive document into a digestible, online tool that made it simple for users to identify the AI Maturity areas they excelled at and those that needed some extra work. The tool was transformed into a series of questions and user flows.

  • The free digital assessment tool helps countries identify where to best invest resources to enable the successful deployment of impactful AI solutions in health.

    The ultimate goal is that the potential of this transformative technology can be realized everywhere, and no country is left behind.

    My role was to create the design structure and aesthetic for the tool!

The UX Flow helped us map the best way to interact with the assesment. The ultimate goal was to allow users to break down the assessment into smaller digestible parts and if desired to focus only on the sections they were really interested in.


How do you assess the maturity of AI in health on a national level? What are the best steps to take in order to get to impact? And how can low- and middle-income countries use their unique position to leapfrog progress? We have translated the report into a free, user-friendly online assessment.

Click here to access the report


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